Hello and welcome to Salon Duo!

Salon Duo is inspired by my twin daughters. It’s always been a goal of mine to strive for the highest level of achievement for them. I want to prove to them that you can do anything you set your mind to. They are my why. They are the reason Salon Duo came about.

Now… to introduce myself, my name is Haley Callaway as most of you already know. I’ve always been very creative since I can remember when. When I was in grade school I loved art, photography & texture and had an eye for it. Since beauty school, hair has become my canvas, it’s my way to express my creativity on top of making you all feel your absolute best!

While in my chair we thoroughly consult your hair goals, what you want to achieve, what you dislike currently about your hair, and how long it has been since your previous appointment so we can reach your desired goals. 

I’m looking forward to welcoming you to Salon Duo.